Test Card Numbers
You can use the Circle API sandbox environment to exercise various types of card payment behaviors, such as authorization failure codes and address verification results.
To get your desired behavior:
- Use one of the test numbers listed below
- Choose a specific payment amount, CVV code, or address value
Eligible Card Numbers
No Real Charges
The sandbox environment will authorize card payments made with any card number, but it will never actually verify or charge the card.
To make payments on the sandbox environment please use one of the provided test card numbers below, using other card numbers will return an error response.
Card number | Card provider |
4007400000000007 | Visa |
4007410000000006 | Visa |
4200000000000000 | Visa |
4757140000000001 | Visa |
5102420000000006 | Mastercard |
5173375000000006 | Mastercard |
5555555555554444 | Mastercard |
Response Codes
To trigger specific response codes, use the corresponding amounts below when creating a payment. Any amount not specified in the table will return Approved
(response code 00
Amount | Response code | Description |
5.01 | payment_failed | Payment failed due to unspecified error |
5.04 | card_not_honored | Contact card issuer to query why payment failed |
5.05 | payment_not_supported_by_issuer | Issuer did not support the payment |
5.07 | payment_not_funded | Insufficient funds in account to fund payment |
5.19 | card_invalid | Invalid card number |
5.41 | card_limit_violated | Exceeded amount or frequency limits |
5.43 | payment_denied | Payment denied by Circle Risk Service or card processor risk controls |
5.51 | payment_fraud_detected | Payment suspected of being associated with fraud |
5.54 | credit_card_not_allowed | Issuer did not support using a credit card for payment |
5.57 | payment_stopped_by_issuer | A stop has been placed on the payment or card |
5.84 | card_account_ineligible | Ineligible account associated with card |
CVV Verification
For more information on the card verification value (CVV) check and return values see the verifying card details guide.
Setting the CVV to 000
or 999
will cause a CVV failure response.
AVS Verification
For more information on the address verification service (AVS) check and the possible return codes see verifying card details guide.
To trigger a particular AVS check result, set the address line 1 field to Test_X
, where X
is one of the available AVS return codes. The result defaults to AVS code Y
Updated almost 3 years ago