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Create a Web3 Services account

To access the Web3 Services Console, sign up with your email address. Our pay-as-you-grow pricing model eliminates upfront fees and contract negotiations, starting at a low cost per wallet. The pricing scales as your user base expands.

To access Set up your account on Circle's Web3 Services Console.

Set up your account

Create an account on Circle's Web3 Services Console.

Understanding Testnet vs Mainnet environments


Testnet is akin to a training ground for developers. It's a simulated environment where you can develop, test, and polish your applications with confidence. In this space, you can execute transactions and test various scenarios without any financial implications, as Testnet does not involve real cryptocurrencies or assets.


Mainnet is where everything goes live. This network handles actual transactions with genuine digital currencies. Operating on Mainnet means dealing with real-world consequences and genuine assets. The results of actions performed here are immediate and impactful.

Before jumping into Mainnet, it is crucial to rigorously test and validate your applications within the Testnet environment first. This precaution ensures that all systems and functionalities operate correctly before you transition to a live environment. Once you have thoroughly vetted your application in Testnet, you can migrate to Mainnet operations.

Create your API key

Generate a standard API key:

  1. 1

    Log in to the console

    Use your login details to log in to the Circle Web3 Services console.

  2. 2

    Go to API Keys

    On the left hand nav, select the API Keys page, and then select CREATE A KEY.

    List of API keys
  3. 3

    Set Up your API key

    On the Create an API Key page, enter a name for your API key, and then select Standard Key.

    Create new API key form
  4. 4

    Copy and Store your API key

    The console displays your key only once after you create it. Make sure to copy the key value and store it in a secure location. You can't retrieve the key value after you close the dialog. If you lose it, you need to create another key. Never share your key with anyone.

    API key successfully created

The power of Testnet

Test With Assurance

Engage in robust testing of your applications, smart contracts, and other blockchain innovations within a safe environment that simulates real-world operations. This sandbox allows for trial and error without any financial stakes, so mistakes carry no monetary risk.

Achieve Broad Compatibility

Testnet serves as a preparatory platform for launches on various blockchains. Whether your focus is on Ethereum, Polygon, or Avalanche, Testnet provides insights into how your applications will perform across different ecosystems.

Encourage Innovation

The Testnet environment is the perfect place to brainstorm and develop new blockchain solutions. Here, you have the license to push boundaries and explore various possibilities without financial constraints.

Iterate Swiftly

Benefit from the ability to quickly refine your projects based on immediate feedback and test insights. The adaptable nature of Testnet supports rapid prototyping and swift iteration, which can lead to faster advancements and better outcomes in your development cycle.

Next: Explore our Quickstarts

Web3 Services: Bring any web or mobile app on-chain. Integrate or create wallets with composable APIs and SDKs.

Stablecoin Protocols: Move USDC securely across blockchains for seamless user onboarding, on-demand treasury rebalancing, and more. Live on 8 blockchains.

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