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Web3 Services

Entity Secret Management

What is an Entity Secret?

The Entity Secret is a 32-byte private key designed to secure your Developer-Controlled wallets. It acts as your secret password, your personalized cryptographic stamp, known only to you.

Our platform does not store the Entity Secret. This ensures that only you can invoke private keys, maintaining complete control. It is therefore your responsibility to safeguard this secret.

What is an Entity Secret Ciphertext?

The Entity Secret Ciphertext is a RSA encryption token generated from your Entity Secret and Circle's public key. This asymmetrically encrypted value is sent in API requests like wallet creation or transaction initiation to ensure critical actions are secure. This process enables secure usage of the Entity Secret, to ensure it cannot be easily accessed or misused.

How to Create and Register the Entity Secret Ciphertext

To create and register your Entity Secret Ciphertext, follow these four steps:

  1. Generate the Entity Secret
  2. Fetch your Entity's Public Key
  3. Generate the Entity Secret Ciphertext
  4. Register the Entity Secret Ciphertext to Circle's Developer Console

1. Generate the Entity Secret

First, generate the Entity Secret and store it somewhere safe where your server-side app can access it. For testing purposes, you can store it in your environment variables. This will be used in the following steps to create the Entity Secret Ciphertext.

When you follow the provided methods below, you will receive a 32-byte string value similar to 7ae43b03d7e48795cbf39ddad2f58dc8e186eb3d2dab3a5ec5bb3b33946639a4.

openssl rand -hex 32

2. Fetch your Entity's Public Key

To proceed with the Entity Secret Ciphertext creation, the next essential element is your entity's public key. This public key plays an important role in generating the Entity Secret Ciphertext in the upcoming step. To obtain the required public key, you need to initiate a request to the GET /config/entity/publicKey API endpoint. Remember, this API endpoint can be accessed by providing your valid API key for authentication.

// Import and configure the developer-controlled wallet SDK
const { initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient } = require('@circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets');
const circleDeveloperSdk = initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
  entitySecret: '<ENTITY_SECRET>' // Make sure to enter the entity secret from the step above.

const response = await circleDeveloperSdk.getPublicKey({});

Response Body

  "data": {
    "publicKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----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\nEITpIVGcSGrVNRrmSye2OW0CAwEAAQ==\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"

3. Generate the Entity Secret Ciphertext

Once you have the public key, you'll use RSA encryption to secure your Entity Secret and generate the ciphertext. Immediately after, you'll transform this encrypted data into the Base64 format. The output Ciphertext will be exactly 684 characters long.

// npm install node-forge -S

import forge from "node-forge";

const entitySecret = forge.util.hexToBytes('YOUR_ENTITY_SECRET')
const publicKey = forge.pki.publicKeyFromPem('YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY')
const encryptedData = publicKey.encrypt(entitySecret, 'RSA-OAEP', {
  md: forge.md.sha256.create(),
  mgf1: {
    md: forge.md.sha256.create(),


NOTE: You can also refer to the provided sample code in Python and Go for encrypting and encoding the Entity Secret.

4. Register the Entity Secret Ciphertext

After generating, encrypting, and encoding the Entity Secret, developers must register the Entity Secret ciphertext within the developer console.

  1. Access the Configurator Page in the developer console.
  2. Enter the Entity Secret Ciphertext generated in the previous step.
  3. Select "Register" to complete the Entity Secret Ciphertext registration.

Once registered, you are provided with a file to facilitate recovery in cases where the Entity Secret is lost. This file is used in subsequent Entity Secret reset procedures.

Re-Encrypt the Entity Secret to create new ciphertext for each API request

Circle's APIs Requiring Entity Secret Ciphertext enforce a different Entity Secret Ciphertext for each API request. One-time-use Entity Secret Ciphertext tokens ensure that even if an attacker captures the ciphertext from previous communication, they cannot exploit it in subsequent interactions.

To create a different Entity Secret Ciphertext token, repeat Step 3: Generate the Entity Secret Ciphertext. If you generated the Entity Secret Ciphertext using the registered entity secret, it is valid for an API request.

If you use the same ciphertext for more than one request, all requests after the first one fail.

APIs Requiring Entity Secret Ciphertext

Create a new wallet setPOST /developer/walletSets
Create walletsPOST /developer/wallets
Create a transfer transactionPOST /developer/transactions/transfer
Accelerate a transactionPOST /developer/transactions/{id}/accelerate
Cancel a transactionPOST /transactions/{id}/cancel
Execute a contract transactionPOST /developer/transactions/contractExecution
Deploy a contractPOST /contracts/deploy
Deploy a contract from a templatePOST /templates/{id}/deploy

How to Rotate the Entity Secret

Periodic rotation of the Entity Secret enhances the overall security of Developer-Controlled wallets. Developers can initiate the Entity Secret rotation process when they possess the existing Entity Secret. To perform rotation, you will provide the system with the current Entity's Secret Ciphertext and the newly created one. The system verifies the authenticity of the provided information before updating the Entity Secret. This process ensures that the Entity Secret remains fresh, reducing the risk of potential vulnerabilities associated with long-term use of the same secret.

Additional Notes:

  • Currently, Entity Secret rotation takes immediate effect, rendering the old Entity Secret deprecated. As a result, ongoing API requests using the old Entity Secret will fail. Make sure to complete existing API requests before rotation, or reinitialize them following the entity secret rotation.
  • The existing Entity Secret Ciphertext does not need to be the same as the one registered as long as it is derived from the existing Entity Secret (encrypted and encoded). The newly created Entity Secret Ciphertext should be derived from a newly generated 32-byte entity secret to ensure security.
  • When the newly created Entity Secret is registered the previous recovery file will be deprecated, and a renewed recovery file can be downloaded for resetting the Entity Secret.

How to Reset the Entity Secret

Developers can initiate the Entity Secret reset process when an Entity Secret is compromised or lost. To ensure the security of the reset operation, developers need to upload the recovery file for authentication. After uploading the recovery file and entering the newly created Entity Secret Ciphertext into the system, the Entity Secret is reset, and a renewed recovery file can be downloaded

Additional Notes:

  • Entity Secret reset takes immediate effect, rendering the old Entity Secret deprecated. As a result, ongoing API requests using the old Entity Secret will fail. Make sure to complete existing API requests before reset, or reinitializing them following the Entity Secret reset.

WHAT'S NEXT Jump back into creating your first Developer-Controlled wallet!

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