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Circle Mint

API Logs

View API log entries in the Developer Tab to review transactions and debug any errors.

API Logs are transaction logs that enable you to view your API transaction history and debug API errors with no setup required. They show the most accurate representation of what Circle received and sent. When you send an API request, Circle stores it along with its associated response. On the API logs page, you can view these API logs for seven days after the request is sent and filter them to find the specific request you are looking for. You can use the API logs to debug API errors without having to log out of your system.

  • To access the logs, go to Circle Sandbox or Circle Account and click on Developer Tab --> Logs.

API Log Data Elements

For each API request and response, Circle stores the following information, which you can retrieve and review in the Developer tab.

HTTP StatusHTTP Status code for each request such as 200 or 400.
PathThe path excludes the base URL.
Request IDThe X-Request-Id in the header provided in the request or is generated plus by Circle and returned in the response.
User AgentThe User-Agent field in the request header. It is common that the HTTP library used will provide this field by default.
IdempotencyIdempotency Key sent in the request body. This is only found in POST requests.
OriginIncludes the protocol (HTTP/HTTPS), the domain or IP address, and the port number if applicable.
TimeTimestamp of when the request was received.
Request BodyThe full request body.
Response BodyThe full response body.


API Log Filtering

To filter your search, use the search fields and popup menus at the top of the Circle Sandbox or Circle Mint page.

Filter NameDescription
SearchFilter by request ID, resource ID, or idempotency key ID.
Date RangeFilter results by date range.
StatusFilter results by succeeded and/or failed. Succeeded includes all 2## and failed includes all 4## and 5##.
MethodFilter results by HTTP Method. Supports POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, and/or GET.
PathFilter results by the URL path such as /payments.

Data Redaction

Due to the sensitivity of some data provided to Circle, including financial payment methods and PII data, some values will be redacted from the request and response payloads. Values that are redacted are replaced with the value “[redacted].” If you need access to this sensitive data, reach out to your Circle customer success manager.

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