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Circle Mint

Sandbox to Production Transition Guide

Move your code from sandbox into production so you can take your site live and accept transactions.

If you've completed your API integration in Circle’s sandbox, it's time to move your site into production. Because the code is largely the same between sandbox and production, moving into the production environment is a fairly straightforward process. Follow the steps below and take note of any additional information provided.

To ensure success, please note the following:

  • If you have any questions about the differences listed below, reach out to your Circle solutions engineer or our customer support team for more information.
  • Note that to obtain Production API keys, you need to apply for a Circle Mint account.

1. Move your code to production.

Take your sandbox code into the production environment. There are a couple ways to do this based on your needs:

  • Basic users who only need Circle’s core functionality can use the same code documents they’ve been using in sandbox and convert them directly into production code using the steps below.
  • Advanced users using our full suite of APIs will probably want to continue using the sandbox version of their site in parallel for continued development, testing, and troubleshooting. These users should clone their sandbox code and edit the copy to bring it into production.

2. Replace sandbox URLs with production URLs.

When you’re transitioning from Sandbox to Production, you’ll need to switch to the Production base URL for your requests.

Sandbox URL: https://api-sandbox.circle.com
Production URL: https://api.circle.com

In some cases, this will be as simple as performing a “find and replace” function with a text editor; in others it will be more complex depending on your approach. Consult your engineering team if you have any questions.

3. Replace sandbox API keys with production API keys.

Now that you’re ready to move to production, navigate to the API key tab within the Circle Mint developer dashboard. Create an API key and name it, and assign it a list of IPs permitted to originate requests. After creating your API key, you can copy and paste it as needed.

Security: Because the production API key allows you to work with real, live funds within your Circle Mint account, the key must be provided and managed by Circle. (You can’t regenerate it from your Circle Mint account.) For this reason, your production API key must be treated with appropriate security protocols. Please consult your company’s security team if you have questions.

4. Set up your system to originate requests from IPv4 addresses allow-list. [OPTIONAL]

If you have set up an IP allowlist, Circle only accepts requests using your Production API key that originate from an IP address on the list.

  • Set up your system to send production calls only from these addresses.
  • Double-check that these static addresses match the ones you sent to Circle.

5. Check that your API Key Roles are up to date.

While working in sandbox, your sandbox API key has allowed you to make calls to any Circle endpoint for testing purposes. In production, you’ll be restricted to the functionality—and endpoint access—that you are specifically solutioned for in your Solution Description and Flow of Funds documents. If you attempt to make API calls to an endpoint you aren’t solutioned for, you’ll receive a 403 response.

  • Test your calls. Try out each of the API calls you created in sandbox to make sure that they still work in production. For instance, your get balances call from sandbox should still provide balances in production as long as you have updated the URL.
  • Update as necessary. If you run into error codes, or if your needs have changed and you need additional functionality, contact your Circle representative. They can update your Solution Description and Flow of Funds agreements to enable the needed functionality.

6. Allow for actual production settlement times.

In the sandbox environment, settlement times (the time it takes to process a transaction) are kept as low as possible to enable you to easily test a variety of behaviors. Because they reflect real-world transactions, production settlement times will invariably be longer (see table below).

  • Test actual settlement times in production.
  • Take into account your own operations and whether you want to perform certain actions (such as releasing goods) after confirmation or after settlement.
  • Update your interface to manage users’ expectations.

Crypto Payments and Payouts


  • Wallet creation: 2-5 seconds
  • Wallet-to-Wallet transfers: 2-5 seconds

7. Anticipate transaction fees.

Because sandbox does not reflect your client agreement with Circle, fees in the sandbox environment may not always reflect the fees you’ll be charged in production.

  • See your contract with Circle to understand what fees you’ll see when you initiate transactions in the production environment.
  • Determine actual fees by testing various transactions in production.
  • Update your interface if you will be passing along these fees to your customers.
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