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The Airdrop template is an audited, ready-to-deploy, airdrop smart contract for ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, or native tokens. The airdrop is performed by “pushing tokens,” which happens when the contract owner transfers tokens to the receivers’ addresses. Receivers do not need to take any action and do not incur a gas fee.

The following are common use cases for the Airdrop template:

  • Bulk token distribution: Automatically distribute tokens to users in bulk. For example, project teams or token issuers can reward their community members, early adopters, and participants in specific campaigns by distributing tokens directly to their blockchain addresses.
  • Marketing and promotion: Increase awareness and engagement with a project or token. When a project distributes tokens to a large number of users, this attracts attention and incentivizes users to explore and participate in the project's ecosystem.
  • Community building and engagement: Foster a strong and active community around a project. Distribute tokens to community members to incentivize them to stay engaged, participate in discussions, provide feedback, and contribute to the overall growth and success of the project.

Deployment parameters

The Airdrop template creates a customized airdrop smart contract to distribute ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, or native tokens to multiple users. To create a contract using this template, provide the following parameter values when deploying a smart contract template. To deploy a template, send a POST request to the /templates/{id}/deploy endpoint.

Template ID: 13e322f2-18dc-4f57-8eed-4bddfc50f85e

Template deployment parameters

defaultAdminAddXAddress of the default admin. This address can execute permissable functions on the contract.

Important: You lose administrative access to the contract if this is not set to an address you control.
contractURIStringURL for the marketplace metadata of your contract.

Common functions

This section lists the most commonly used functions on the Airdrop template, their respective parameters, and potential failure scenarios. These functions include:

setOwner [write]

The setOwner function sets the owner of the smart contract or transfers ownership from the existing owner to a new owner.


_newOwneraddressAddress of the new owner.

Failure scenarios

  • The setOwner function fails if it is called by a non-admin.

airdropERC1155 [write]

The airdropERC1155 function allows the owner of this address to send ERC-1155 tokens to a list of recipients.


_newOwneraddressAddress of the new owner.

- address
- uint256
- uint256
Array of recipient information:

- Address that is to receive the airdrop
- ID of the token within the ERC-1155 contract to be distributed
- Amount of the token within the ERC-1155 contract to be distributed

Failure scenarios

The airdropERC1155 function fails if:

  • It is called by a non-admin
  • It contains incorrect token information, such as an invalid token ID
  • The Airdrop contract is not approved for what’s being transferred, which means it is not authorized to transfer assets on the airdropper's behalf
  • Airdropping to a contract without a receive function


The following sample code shows the new owner address and contents when sending a POST request to the /developer/transactions/contractExecution endpoint:


"abiParameters": [
        ["0x4CCeBa2d7D2B4fdcE4304d3e09a1fea9fbEb1528", 0, 10],
        ["0xf4e2B0fcbd0DC4b326d8A52B718A7bb43BdBd072", 0, 10],

airdropERC721 [write]

The airdropERC721 function allows the owner of this address to send ERC-20 tokens to a list of recipients.


_tokenAddressaddressAddress of the new owner.

- address
- uint256
Array of recipient information:

- Address that is to receive the airdrop
- Amount of the token within the ERC-721 contract to be distributed

Failure scenarios

The airdropERC721 function fails if:

  • It is called by a non-admin
  • It contains incorrect token information, such as an invalid token ID
  • The Airdrop contract is not approved for what’s being transferred, which means it is not authorized to transfer assets on the airdropper's behalf
  • Airdropping to a contract without a receive function


The following sample code shows the token address and contents when sending a POST request to the /developer/transactions/contractExecution endpoint:


"abiParameters": [
        ["0x4CCeBa2d7D2B4fdcE4304d3e09a1fea9fbEb1528", 0],
        ["0xf4e2B0fcbd0DC4b326d8A52B718A7bb43BdBd072", 1],

airdropERC20 [write]

The airdropERC20 function allows the owner of this address to send NFTs to a list of recipients.


_tokenAddressaddressAddress of the token.

- address
- uint256
Array of recipient information:

- Address that is to receive the airdrop
- Quantity of tokens to be transferred

Failure scenarios

The airdropERC20 function fails if:

  • It is called by a non-admin
  • The Airdrop contract is not approved for what’s being transferred, which means it is not authorized to transfer assets on the airdropper's behalf
  • Airdropping to a contract without a receive function


The following sample code shows the token address and contents when sending a POST request to the /developer/transactions/contractExecution endpoint:


"abiParameters": [

owner [read]

The owner function retrieves the address of the current owner.


The following sample code shows the owner function when sending a POST request to the /contracts/query endpoint:


"abiFunctionSignature": "owner()"
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