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Web3 Services

Deploy an NFT Smart Contract From a Template

The following guide deploys a NFT Smart Contract from a template on the Polygon Amoy Testnet

Circle’s Smart Contract Templates make it easy to integrate smart contracts into your application without writing Solidity code. Deploy contracts in minutes using our curated and audited templates, which support popular on-chain use cases. You can deploy these templates through the console or APIs.

Quick Start Guide:

This guide will show you how to deploy an ERC-721 contract using Circle's NFT template.

You’ll learn to use both the Web3 Services Console and API paths. The console is ideal for beginners to explore and understand contract functions.

Evaluate Templates 

To learn more about the NFT template or any other template, go to the Web3 Services Console or the Templates Glossary guide. 

  • Web3 Services Console: Viewing templates from the console provides a simple way to understand the contracts offered, what they are, the primary use cases each supports, the contracts' ABI functions, events, and code.
  • Template Glossary: Outlines the templates offered, a summary of each one, and the configuration options for deployment.

Select Your Preferred Approach

  1. Console Path: Use the Web3 Services Console and a console wallet to deploy a smart contract template and mint an NFT. This UI option is the preferred method for those new to using Smart Contracts. It is faster and has much fewer prerequisite steps.
  2. API Path: Use APIs to deploy a smart contract template and mint an NFT. This option is more technical and requires creating an API key and a Developer-Controlled wallet. 

Console UI Path


  1. Create a Developer Account.

Console Wallets

Console Wallets are Smart Contract Accounts specifically designed to be used within the Console and cannot be utilized with the APIs. Console Wallets leverage Gas Station, eliminating the need to maintain gas in the wallet to cover transaction fees. To learn more about the Gas Station, please refer to the Gas Station overview.

If you do not already have a Console Wallet, you will be prompted to create one during the deployment of your first smart contract.

1. Deploy the Smart Contract

In the console:

  1. Navigate to the Templates tab via the left navigation.

  2. Select NFT ERC-721**.**

  3. Fill in the contract template deployment parameters:

    1. Name: The off-chain name of the contract. This will only be represented on Circle’s systems, such as the APIs and Web3 Services Console. In this case, you can use “My First NFT Contract” or any other name you prefer.

    2. Contract Name: The on-chain name for the contract. In this case, you can use “My First NFT Contract” or any other name you prefer.

    3. Default Admin: The address of the default admin. This address can execute permissions functions on the contract. This should be an address you control or the address of a user if deploying on their behalf. In this case, use the console wallet’s address from step one.

      1. NOTE: The following roles will be given to the defaultAdmin:  DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, MINTER_ROLE, TRANSFER_ROLE. The defaultAdmin will also be set as the contract's owner. All of these roles can be updated by the defaultAdmin later. 
    4. Primary Sale Recipient: The recipient's address for first-time sales. All first-time sale proceeds will go to this address. In this case, use the console wallet’s address from step one.

    5. Royalty Recipient: The recipient address for all royalties. Any proceeds from secondary sales will go to this address. In this case, use the console wallet’s address from step one.

    6. Royalty Percent: The percentage of secondary sales that go to the royalty recipient. There should be a value between 0 and 100. In this case, use “0”.

    7. Network: The network to deploy onto. In this case, select “Polygon Amoy”.

    8. Select Wallet: The wallet to deploy the smart contract from. In this case, select “Console Wallet 1”

    9. Deployment Speed: A fee level setting (FAST, AVERAGE, SLOW). This affects how quickly the network will process your deployment transaction. In this case, you will use “AVERAGE”.

  4. Select Deploy.

Once deployed, you will be placed back on the Contracts dashboard. Here, you can check the deployment status of the contract. When you land on the page, expect the deployment status to be Pending. Give it several seconds, and then refresh the page. At this point, the deployment status should be set to Complete.

2. Mint an NFT

Let's dive into the Console UI to explore the full range of capabilities it offers and mint an NFT. With the Console, you can seamlessly explore the NFT contract you deployed. Gain insights into its ABI functions, inspect their inputs, and easily execute functions. In this example, we will directly execute the mintTo function from the console - which mints an NFT to a user without a sale. 

In the console:

  1. Navigate to the Contracts tab.

  2. Select the My First NFT Contract within the console.

  3. Select ABI Functions sub tab. This should be selected by default.

  4. Select Write.

  5. Select mintTo.

  6. On the mintTo ABI function, provide the following parameters:

    1. _to: The wallet address to which the NFT will be minted. In this case, use the wallet address of the wallet you deployed the contract from. Ultimately, this can be any wallet on-chain.
    2. _uri: A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset. This can be a IPFS CID, a CDN URI or any other resource identifier.
  7. Select Execute Function and ensure Console Wallet 1 is selected.

  8. Select Execute.

Once executed, select View Transaction History to access the Console Wallet's transaction dashboard. Here, you can easily monitor the progress and status of the transaction. Once the transaction state is marked as Complete, the NFT has been successfully transferred on-chain to the designated address mentioned above.

Congratulations, you have deployed a smart contract and minted an NFT!

Next Steps

  1. Learn how to mint NFTs via the API.
  2. Deploy a Token or Multi-Token contract.

API Path


  1. Create a Developer Account, API key, and set up a Developer-Controlled Wallet. We recommend using our interactive quickstart guide to complete these requirements if you haven’t already. 

1. Deploy the Smart Contract

To deploy a smart contract, you must provide a wallet to deploy from. If you don’t have the walletId, you can use the GET /wallets API to acquire the wallet ID. Ensure the wallet custody type is Developer-Controlled and the blockchain is Polygon Amoy. We recommend the account type be SCA - removing the need for gas in your wallet for deployment. Lastly, note down the wallet’s address. This will be used in the subsequent steps.

Deployment Request Parameters:

  1. idempotencyKey: A unique value generated by the client that the server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request.
  2. name: The off-chain name of the contract. This will only be represented on Circle’s System such as the APIs and Web3 Services Console. In this case, you can use My First NFT Contract or any other name you prefer.
  3. walletId: The ID of the wallet to deploy from.
  4. templateId: The ID of the chosen template. In this case, you will use 76b83278-50e2-4006-8b63-5b1a2a814533 as the ID for the NFT template. This templateId and other template-specific details are listed in the Templates Glossary.
  5. blockchain: The network to deploy onto. In this case, you will use MATIC-AMOY.
  6. entitySecretCiphertext: The encrypted ciphertext of your entity secret. It must be re-encrypted for every new request. Go to How to Re-Encrypt the Entity Secret to learn more about generating an entity secret ciphertext. 
  7. feeLevel: A fee level setting (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH). This affects how quickly the network will process your deployment transaction. In this case, you will use MEDIUM.
  8. templateParameters: A JSON object representing the template deployment parameters and arguments. This object is explained in more detail below. 

Template Parameters

Template parameters are the inputs for initializing and deploying the template on-chain. Each template will have its own set of parameters. 

For the NFT template, the required properties are:

  1. name: The on-chain name for the contract. In this case, you can use My First NFT Contract or any other name you prefer.
  2. defaultAdmin: The address of the default admin. This address can execute permissioned functions on the contract. This should be an address you control or the address of a user if deploying on their behalf. In this case, use the developer-controlled wallet’s address retrieved from the GET /wallets API above.
    1. NOTE: The following roles will be given to the defaultAdmin:  DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, MINTER_ROLE, TRANSFER_ROLE. The defaultAdmin will also be set as the contract's owner. All of these roles can be updated by the defaultAdmin later.
  3. primarySaleRecipient: The recipient address for first-time sales. All first-time sale proceeds will go to this address. In this case, use the developer-controlled wallet’s address retrieved from the GET /wallets API above.
  4. royaltyRecipient: The recipient address for all royalties. Any proceeds from secondary sales will go to this address. In this case, use 0.
  5. royaltyPercent: The percentage of secondary sales that go to the royalty recipient. It should be a value between 0 and 100. In this case, use the developer-controlled wallet’s address retrieved from the GET /wallets API above.

There are additional properties and configurations available for more advanced use cases. Please see the Templates Glossary for more information on configuring the NFT Template and for extended use cases of all template types. 

Now that you have all your request parameters in order, you can deploy the smart contract by making a request to the POST /templates/{id}/deploy API. You must also pass your entity secret ciphertext in the request body. The full request is as follows:

// Import and configure the developer-controlled wallet SDK
const { initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient } = require('@circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets');
const circleDeveloperSdk = initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
  entitySecret: '<ENTITY_SECRET>'

// Import and configure the smart contract SDK
const { initiateSmartContractPlatformClient } = require('@circle-fin/smart-contract-platform');
const circleContractSdk = initiateSmartContractPlatformClient({
  apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
  entitySecret: '<ENTITY_SECRET>'

const response = await circleContractSdk.deployContractTemplate({
  id: 'aea21da6-0aa2-4971-9a1a-5098842b1248',
  blockchain: 'MATIC-AMOY', 
  name: 'My First NFT Contract',
  walletId: '<WALLET_ID>',
  templateParameters: {
    name: 'My First NFT Contract',
    defaultAdmin: '<ADDRESS>',
    primarySaleRecipient: '<ADDRESS>',
    royaltyRecipient: '<ADDRESS>',
    royaltyPercent: 0
  fee: {
    type: 'level',
    config: {
      feeLevel: 'MEDIUM'
  "data": {
    "contractIds": ["b7c35372-ce69-4ccd-bfaa-504c14634f0d"],
    "transactionId": "601a0815-f749-41d8-b193-22cadd2a8977"

To validate that your contract has deployed successfully, make a request to GET /transactions/{id}, providing the ID of the transaction received in the response above.

const response = await circleDeveloperSdk.listTransactions({});


  "data": {
    "transaction": {
      "id": "601a0815-f749-41d8-b193-22cadd2a8977",
      "blockchain": "MATIC-AMOY",
      "state": "COMPLETE",
      [other fields truncated]

The returned contractId can be used to perform further management and interaction with the deployed smart contract, such as minting an NFT.

2. Mint an NFT

Let's dive into the Web3 Services Console to explore its full range of capabilities. With the Console, you can seamlessly explore the NFT  contract you deployed. Gain insights into its ABI functions, inspect their inputs, and easily execute functions through an API call by conveniently copying the required code.

Alternatively, you can retrieve detailed information about the contract using theGet contract by ID response, which includes all the available functions and events. 

In this example, we will use the code snippet generator to build the contract execution request for the mintTo function - which mints an NFT to a user without a sale. This can be done by selecting the contract within the Console, then in the ABI functions tab, selecting write, and selecting mintTo.scp-dnftsc-consolemint02

As you fill in the parameters for the mintTo function, the code to make a contract execution API request and mint the NFT is automatically generated. Make sure to select your preferred wallet type and code generated, in this case, select a Developer Controlled wallet and Shell to create a cURL request example.

mintTo function parameters:

  1. _to: The wallet address that the NFT will be minted to. In this case, use the wallet address of the wallet you deployed the contract from. Ultimately, this can be any wallet on-chain.
  2. _uri: A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset. This can be a IPFS CID, a CDN URI or any other resource identifier.

As a result of plugging these parameters in, you will be provided with a code block similar to the one below. Once copied to your preferred API client, add your walletId and entitySecretCiphertext to the API request.

const response = await circleDeveloperSdk.createContractExecutionTransaction({
  walletId: '<WALLET_ID>',
  abiFunctionSignature: 'mintTo(address,string)',
  abiParameters: [
  contractAddress: '0xf7761519cf2d84c31f634e249790b4757c10a103',
  fee: {
    type: 'level',
    config: {
      feeLevel: 'MEDIUM'

Note that the address of the walletId must have the MINTER_ROLE on the contract to mint an NFT. Make sure you use the appropriate walletId

  "data": {
    "id": "601a0815-f749-41d8-b193-22cadd2a8977",
    "state": "INITIATED"

To validate that your contract has deployed successfully, make a request to GET /transactions/{id} providing the ID of the transaction received in the response above.

const response = await circleDeveloperSdk.getTransaction({
  id: '601a0815-f749-41d8-b193-22cadd2a8977'


  "data": {
    "transaction": {
      "id": "601a0815-f749-41d8-b193-22cadd2a8977",
      "blockchain": "MATIC-AMOY",
      "state": "COMPLETE",
      [other fields truncated]

Once the transaction is complete, the receiver - the _to address that you previously specified - will now be able to use and interact with the minted NFT. 

Congratulations, you have deployed a smart contract and minted an NFT!

Next Steps

  1. Learn how to mint NFTs via the Console.
  2. Deploy a Token or Multi-Token contract.
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