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Web3 Services

Node.js SDK

Set up the server-side Node.js SDK in your application.

The Node.js SDKs provide simple, programmatic access to Circle Web3 Services APIs. You can use the SDKs to simplify application development for apps that interact with Circle Web3 Services, such as embedding secure wallets in your applications and interacting with smart contracts on the Web3 Services platform.


To successfully use the Node.js SDK to interact with Circle Web3 Services APIs, you must:

For instructions about using your API key and entity secret in requests, see the section for the specific programming language you use.

Available SDKs

The Node.js SDKs include the following application-specific SDKs:

  • User-Controlled Wallets SDK

  • Developer-Controlled Wallets SDK

  • Smart Contract Platform SDK

See Programmable Wallets and Smart Contract Platform to learn about these features and concepts. 

Install SDKs

The three available SDKs are independent, separate installations, but you can use them together for application development. You can install all the SDKs using a single command or run an install command for each SDK separately.

Use the commands in the following sections to install the Node.js SDKs.

Install all available SDKs

Install using npm:

npm install @circle-fin/smart-contract-platform @circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets --save

Install using yarn:

yarn add @circle-fin/smart-contract-platform @circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallet

Install User-Controlled Programmable Wallets SDK

Use the following commands to install the SDK. View the package information on the npm site.

Install using npm:

npm install @circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets --save

Install using yarn:

yarn add @circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets

Install Developer-Controlled Programmable Wallets SDK

Use the following commands to install the SDK. View the package information on the npm site.

Install using npm:

npm install @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets --save

Install using yarn:

yarn add @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets

Install Smart Contract Platform SDK

Use the following commands to install the SDKs. View the package information on the npm site.

Install using npm:

npm install @circle-fin/smart-contract-platform --save

Install using yarn:

yarn add @circle-fin/smart-contract-platform

Configure clients

To start using the SDKs, you first need to configure a client.

User-Controlled Programmable Wallets client

To interact with the User-Controlled Wallets, import the factory initiateUserControlledWalletsClient from the SDK, and then initialize the client using your API key.

Import client

The following code examples demonstrate how to import the client and configure it to use your API key:

const { initiateUserControlledWalletsClient } = require('@circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets')
const client = initiateUserControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>'


import { initiateUserControlledWalletsClient } from '@circle-fin/user-controlled-wallets'
const client = initiateUserControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',

Create transaction

The following code sample demonstrates how to create a transaction using the client.

const response = await client.createTransaction({
  userToken: 'dummy-user-token',
  amounts: ['0.01'],
  destinationAddress: '0xa51c9c604b79a0fadbfed35dd576ca1bce71da0a',
  tokenId: '738c8a6d-8896-46d1-b2cb-083600c1c69b',
  walletId: 'a635d679-4207-4e37-b12e-766afb9b3892',
  fee: {
    type: 'level',
    config: {
      feeLevel: 'HIGH',

Developer-Controlled Programmable Wallets Client

To interact with the Developer-Controlled Wallets, import the factory initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient from the SDK, and then initialize the client using your API key and entity secret.

Import client

The following code examples demonstrate how to import the client and configure it to use your API key and entity secret:

const { initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient } = require('@circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets')
const client = initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  entitySecret: '<your-entity-secret>',


import { initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient } from '@circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets'
const client = initiateDeveloperControlledWalletsClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  entitySecret: '<your-entity-secret>',

Create wallet

The following code sample demonstrates how to create a wallet using the client.

const walletSetResponse = await client.createWalletSet({
  name: 'WalletSet 1',
console.log('Created WalletSet', walletSetResponse.data?.walletSet)
const walletsResponse = await client.createWallets({
  blockchains: ['MATIC-AMOY'],
  count: 2,
  walletSetId: walletSetResponse.data?.walletSet?.id ?? '',
console.log('Created Wallets', walletsResponse.data?.wallets)

Create transaction

The following code sample demonstrates how to create a transaction using the client

const response = await client.createTransaction({
  amounts: ['0.01'],
  destinationAddress: '0xa51c9c604b79a0fadbfed35dd576ca1bce71da0a',
  tokenId: '738c8a6d-8896-46d1-b2cb-083600c1c69b',
  walletId: 'a635d679-4207-4e37-b12e-766afb9b3892',
  fee: {
    type: 'level',
    config: {
      feeLevel: 'HIGH',

Smart Contract Platform Client

To interact with the Smart Contract Platform, import the factory initiateSmartContractPlatformClient from the SDK, and then initialize the client using your API key and entity secret.

Import client

The following code examples demonstrate how to import the client and configure it to use your API key and entity secret:

const { initiateSmartContractPlatformClient } = require('@circle-fin/smart-contract-platform')
const client = initiateSmartContractPlatformClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  entitySecret: '<your-entity-secret>',


import { initiateSmartContractPlatformClient } from '@circle-fin/smart-contract-platform'
const client = initiateSmartContractPlatformClient({
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  entitySecret: '<your-entity-secret>',

Deploy a smart contract

The following code sample demonstrates how to deploy a simple, smart contract using the client.

const response = await client.deployContract({
  name: 'First Contract',
  description: 'My first hello world contract',
  walletId: '004735f6-d9fc-44f8-933c-672cdf3d240d',
  abiJson: "[\n\t{\n\t\t'inputs': [],\n\t\t'stateMutability': 'nonpayable',\n\t\t'type': 'constructor'\n\t},\n\t...",
  bytecode: '0x60806040523480156200001157600080fd5b50604051806040...',
  constructorParameters: ['TICK', 10000],
  feeLevel: 'MEDIUM',

Client configuration options

The client for each SDK accepts the following configuration parameters:

apiKeyYesThe API Key used to authenticate against Circle APIs.
entitySecretYesYour configured entity secret. Required for Developer-Controlled Programmable Wallets and Smart Contract Platform SDKs only.
storageNoOptional custom storage solution for persisting data. We will fall back to InMemoryStorage if none was provided.
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