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Read release notesThe Circle React Native SDK enables your mobile application to provide user-controlled programmable wallets. By integrating this SDK, your users can securely input sensitive data like PINs or security answers. The SDK encrypts the request body using a secret key, protecting your users' information.
The Web and Mobile SDKs preserve the user keyshare with the individual, giving them complete control. You must use the SDKs with the user-controlled wallet product. Additionally, the Web and Mobile SDKs support only the user-controlled wallet product.
At Circle, we understand the importance of end-to-end security for your application and the need to create a tailored and seamless user experience for your end-users. Hence, Circle’s SDK also exposes functionality for you to customize the description and layout. See the React Native SDK UI Customization API article to customize the SDK.
You can set up the React Native SDK by downloading it from GitHub.
You must use Web, iOS, Android or React Native SDKs to access the user-controlled Programmable Wallet product. The SDK secures, manages, and communicates with your server to ensure your user’s keyshare, always stays with them and is not exposed to your servers.
To learn more, see SDK Architecture for User-Controlled Wallets.
implements IWallet
interface IWalletSdk
Properties |
sdkVersion: SdkVersion SDK version |
Methods |
init: (configuration: Configuration) => Promise<void> Configure the Circle endpoint for SDK to connect, reject Promise if the endpoint and appId’s format are invalid. |
setSecurityQuestions: (securityQuestions: SecurityQuestion[]) => void Set the security question list, throw Throwable when the SecurityQuestion array is empty or contains any question whose title length is not 2~512. |
addListener: (listener: EventListener) => void Register an EventListener for the app to handle events, e.g. forgot PIN. |
removeAllListeners: () => void Unregister all EventListener. |
execute: ( userToken: string, encryptionKey: string, challengeIds: string[], successCallback: SuccessCallback, errorCallback: ErrorCallback ) => void Execute the operations by challengeId and trigger the SuccessCallback with SuccessResult after sending the request to Circle endpoint successfully. ErrorCallback will be triggered when parameters are null or invalid. |
executeWithKeyShare: ( userToken: string, encryptionKey: string, pinCodeDeviceShare: string, challengeIds: string[], successCallback: SuccessCallback, errorCallback: ErrorCallback ) => void Execute the operations by challengeId and PIN code device share and trigger the SuccessCallback with SuccessResult after sending the request to Circle endpoint successfully. ErrorCallback will be triggered when parameters are null or invalid. |
getDeviceId: () => string? Get device ID |
performLogin: ( provider: SocialProvider, deviceToken: string, deviceEncryptionKey: string, successCallback: LoginSuccessCallback, errorCallback: ErrorCallback) ) => void Execute social provider login flow to get userToken, encryptionKey, refreshToken and OAuthInfo object. ErrorCallback will be triggered when parameters are null or invalid. |
performLogout: ( provider: SocialProvider, successCallback: LoginSuccessCallback, errorCallback: ErrorCallback) ) => void Clean login data, includes provider's data |
setBiometricsPin: ( userToken: string, encryptionKey: string, successCallback: SuccessCallback, errorCallback: ErrorCallback ) => void Setup BiometricsForPin and trigger the SuccessCallback with SuccessResult after finishing the operation successfully. ErrorCallback will be triggered when parameters are null or invalid. |
setDismissOnCallbackMap: (map: Map<ErrorCode, boolean>) => void The SDK UI can be dismissed if there's an error or warning during execute() and setBiometricsPin(). App can specify ErrorCode as true in the map to dismiss. |
moveTaskToFront: () => void Bring the SDK UI to foreground. After calling moveRnTaskToFront() and finishing the flow on React Native UI, e.g. forgot PIN flow, apps can back to SDK UI by calling moveTaskToFront() and continue the SDK task. |
moveRnTaskToFront: () => void Bring the React Native Activity / ViewController to front. In some cases, apps may need to go back to React Native UI during execute() or setBiometricsPin, e.g., receive an error, warning or event like forgotPin. |
setTextConfigsMap: (map: Map<TextsKey, TextConfig[]>) => void Define strings with specific configurations for special text customization. All keys are listed in A Index Table. |
setIconTextConfigsMap: ( map: Map<IconTextsKey, Array<IconTextConfig>> ) => void Define icon and string sets with specific configurations for icon text list item customization. All keys are listed in B Index Table. |
setTextConfigMap: (map: Map<TextKey, TextConfig>) => void Define strings with specific configurations for general string customization. It will replace values. All keys are listed in C Index Table. |
setImageMap: (map: Map<ImageKey, ImageSourcePropType>) => void Define image resource for image customization. All keys are listed in D Index Table. |
setDateFormat: (format: DateFormat) => void Set display date format, e.g. the answer of a security question in which inputType is datePicker. All supported formats are listed in DateFormat. The default format is “YYYY-MM-DD”. |
setDebugging: (debugging: boolean) => void Android only. true: default value, check customization map value and print warn level log. false: skip checking and turn off the log. |
setCustomUserAgent: (userAgent: string) => void Set custom user agent value. |
setErrorStringMap: (map: Map<ErrorCode, string) => void Define error message for customization. |
interface SdkVersion
Properties |
rn: string Programmable Wallet React Native SDK version. |
native: string Programmable Wallet Native SDK version. |
interface Configuration
Properties |
endpoint: string The endpoint SDK connects. |
appId: string Application ID, retrieved from Circle Web3 Services Console. |
settingsManagement?: SettingsManagement Extra settings for SDK |
interface SettingsManagement
Properties |
enableBiometricsPin: boolean Enable biometrics to protect PIN code. |
class SecurityQuestion
Properties |
title: string The question string. |
inputType: InputType The input type of the question. Support text input and timePicker. |
Constructor |
constructor(title: string, inputType?: InputType) Initialize a SecurityQuestion, use InputType.text as default value. |
To specify a social provider to operate on. See WalletSdk.performLogin()
, WalletSdk.performLogout()
enum InputType {
Google = 'Google',
Facebook = 'Facebook',
Apple = 'Apple',
Enumerates the types of security questions.
enum InputType {
text = 'text',
datePicker = 'datePicker',
Interface LoginResult
Properties |
userToken?: string User token |
encryptionKey?: string Encryption key |
refreshToken?: string Refresh token |
oauthInfo?: OauthInfo OauthInfo for social login |
Interface OauthInfo
Properties |
provider?: string Provider |
scope?: string[] Scope |
socialUserUUID?: string Social user UUID |
socialUserInfo?: SocialUserInfo SocialUserInfo for Social login for social login |
Interface SocialUserInfo
Properties |
name?: string Name |
email?: string |
phone?: string Phone |
interface SuccessResult
Properties |
result: ExecuteResult Execute result. |
warning?: ExecuteWarning Execute warning. |
interface Error
Properties |
code: string Error code. |
message: string Error message. |
type SuccessCallback
Type declaration |
(result: LoginResult) => void Callback when the operation is executed successfully. |
type SuccessCallback
Type declaration |
(result: SuccessResult) => void Callback when the operation is executed successfully. |
type ErrorCallback
Type declaration |
(error: Error) => void The callback is triggered when a failure occurs in operation or is canceled by the user. |
interface ExecuteResult
Properties |
resultType: ExecuteResultType The type of the operation that the challenge represents. |
status: ExecuteResultStatus The status of the execution. |
data?: ExecuteResultData The data of the execution. |
interface ExecuteResultData
Properties |
signature?: string The signature for SIGN_MESSAGE and SIGN_TYPEDDATA. |
Enumerates the types of challenges supported
enum ExecuteResultType {
Enumerates the possible statuses for a challenge
enum ExecuteResultStatus {
type EventListener
Type declaration |
(event: ExecuteEvent) => void Event listener for receiving ExecuteEvent. |
Enumerates the possible event
enum ExecuteEvent {
forgotPin = 'forgotPin',
Enumerates the types of error code
enum ErrorCode {
unknown = '-1',
success = '0',
apiParameterMissing = '1',
apiParameterInvalid = '2',
forbidden = '3',
unauthorized = '4',
retry = '9',
customerSuspended = '10',
pending = '11',
invalidSession = '12',
invalidPartnerId = '13',
invalidMessage = '14',
invalidPhone = '15',
walletIdNotFound = '156001',
tokenIdNotFound = '156002',
transactionIdNotFound = '156003',
walletSetIdNotFound = '156004',
notEnoughFounds = '155201',
notEnoughBalance = '155202',
exceedWithdrawLimit = '155203',
minimumFundsRequired = '155204',
invalidTransactionFee = '155205',
rejectedOnAmlScreening = '155206',
tagRequired = '155207',
gasLimitTooLow = '155208',
transactionDataNotEncodedProperly = '155209',
fullNodeReturnedError = '155210',
walletSetupRequired = '155211',
lowerThenMinimumAccountBalance = '155212',
rejectedByBlockchain = '155213',
droppedAsPartOfReorg = '155214',
operationNotSupport = '155215',
amountBelowMinimum = '155216',
wrongNftTokenIdNumber = '155217',
invalidDestinationAddress = '155218',
tokenWalletChainMismatch = '155219',
wrongAmountsNumber = '155220',
userAlreadyExisted = '155101',
userNotFound = '155102',
userTokenNotFound = '155103',
userTokenExpired = '155104',
invalidUserToken = '155105',
userWasInitialized = '155106',
userHasSetPin = '155107',
userHasSetSecurityQuestion = '155108',
userWasDisabled = '155109',
userDoesNotSetPinYet = '155110',
userDoesNotSetSecurityQuestionYet = '155111',
incorrectUserPin = '155112',
incorrectDeviceId = '155113',
incorrectAppId = '155114',
incorrectSecurityAnswers = '155115',
invalidChallengeId = '155116',
invalidApproveContent = '155117',
invalidEncryptionKey = '155118',
userPinLocked = '155119',
securityAnswersLocked = '155120',
walletIsFrozen = '155501',
maxWalletLimitReached = '155502',
walletSetIdMutuallyExclusive = '155503',
metadataUnmatched = '155504',
userCanceled = '155701',
launchUiFailed = '155702',
pinCodeNotMatched = '155703',
insecurePinCode = '155704',
hintsMatchAnswers = '155705',
networkError = '155706',
biometricsSettingNotEnabled = '155708',
deviceNotSupportBiometrics = '155709',
biometricsKeyPermanentlyInvalidated = '155710',
biometricsUserSkip = '155711',
biometricsUserDisableForPin = '155712',
biometricsUserLockout = '155713',
biometricsUserLockoutPermanent = '155714',
biometricsUserNotAllowPermission = '155715',
biometricsInternalError = '155716',
userSecretMissing = '155717',
invalidUserTokenFormat = '155718',
userTokenMismatch = '155719',
socialLoginFailed = '155720',
loginInfoMissing = '155721',
Data-only class for text customization.
class TextConfig
Properties |
text?: string Text to display |
gradientColors?: string[] Array of Gradient text color. Only used by TextsKey.enterPinCodeHeadline, TextsKey.securityIntroHeadline, TextsKey.newPinCodeHeadline |
textColor?: string Text color |
font?: string Font |
Constructor |
constructor( text?: string, gradientColorsOrTextColor: string[] | string, font?: string ) |
Data-only class for icon text list item customization.
class IconTextConfig
Properties |
image:ImageSourcePropType The image source for customization. |
textConfig: TextConfig Text config for text customization. |
Constructor |
constructor(image: ImageSourcePropType, textConfig: TextConfig) |
Enum for setTextConfigsMap().
See A Index Table.
Enum for setIconTextConfigsMap().
See B Index Table.
Enum for setTextConfigMap().
See C Index Table.
Enum for setImageMap().
See D Index Table.
Enum for setDateFormat().
enum DateFormat {
DDMMYYYY_SLASH = 'dd/MM/yyyy',
MMDDYYYY_SLASH = 'MM/dd/yyyy',
import * as React from 'react';
import { WalletSdk } from '@circle-fin/w3s-pw-react-native-sdk';
export default function App() {
const [endpoint, setEndpoint] = React.useState(
const [appId, setAppId] = React.useState('');
const [enableBiometricsPin, setEnableBiometricsPin] = React.useState(false);
const [userToken, setUserToken] = React.useState('');
const [encryptionKey, setEncryptionKey] = React.useState('');
const [challengeId, setChallengeId] = React.useState('');
React.useEffect(() => {
// Regester EventListener
WalletSdk.addListener((event: any) => {
if(event == ExecuteEvent.forgotPin){
// forgot PIN flow in React Native UI
return () => {
// Removes listeners once unmounted
}, []);
return (
onPress={() => {
<Banner variant="info">
onPress={() => {
<Banner variant="info">
<Text>Set Biometrics Pin</Text>
const _initSdk = async () => {
try {
// Set endpoint, app ID and extra settings
await WalletSdk.init({
settingsManagement: { enableBiometricsPin: enableBiometricsPin }
} catch (e: any) {
const _setSecurityQuestions = () => {
new SecurityQuestion('What was your childhood nickname?', InputType.text),
new SecurityQuestion('When is your favorite date?', InputType.datePicker),
new SecurityQuestion('What is the name of your first pet?'),
new SecurityQuestion('What is your favorite country?'),
const _setDismissOnCallbackMap = () => {
const map = new Map();
map.set(ErrorCode.userCanceled, true);
map.set(ErrorCode.networkError, true);
const _setTextConfigsMap = () => {
let gradientColors = ['#05184b', '#21bad5'] as Array<string>;
const map = new Map();
map.set(TextsKey.newPinCodeHeadline, [
new TextConfig('ENTER your new ', '#a6183f'),
new TextConfig(
'W3s PIN',
map.set(TextsKey.securityIntroLink, [
new TextConfig('==Learn more=='),
new TextConfig('https://www.circle.com/en/legal/privacy-policy'),
const _setImageMap = () => {
const imageMap = new Map();
imageMap.set(ImageKey.naviBack, require('../../assets/image/ic_back.png'));
imageMap.set(ImageKey.naviClose, require('../../assets/image/ic_close.png'));
imageMap.set(ImageKey.selectCheckMark, {
uri: 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1UTX1tFnECuj1k3U1bggH0g5YvH_Ens5M',
imageMap.set(ImageKey.dropdownArrow, {
uri: 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1PR3yYpk4AmsCAlUM8nw6C3y-RAXNjGMv',
imageMap.set(ImageKey.errorInfo, {
uri: 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1UJjinISU6ZHO0fAoKaZofBMgItaAn9kS',
imageMap.set(ImageKey.securityConfirmMain, {
uri: 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=16OkP3VzEjLICOifNKRQi3FMJntV9F-n-',
const _setIconTextConfigsMap = () => {
const map = new Map<IconTextsKey, Array<IconTextConfig>>();
map.set(IconTextsKey.securityConfirmationItems, [
new IconTextConfig(
new TextConfig('This is the only way to recover my account access. ' )
new IconTextConfig(
new TextConfig(
'Circle won’t store my answers so it’s my responsibility to remember them.'
new IconTextConfig(
new TextConfig(
'I will lose access to my wallet and my digital assets if I forget my answers. '
const _setTextConfigMap = () => {};
const _setErrorStringMap = () => {};
const _setDateFormat = () => {};
const _setDebugging = () => {};
// execute
const _executeSdk = async () => {
try {
let { result } = await WalletSdk.execute(userToken, encryptionKey, [
console.log(`${result.resultType}, ${result.status}, ${result.data?.signature}`);
} catch (e: any) {
// setBiometricsPin
const _setBiometricsPin = async () => {
try {
let { result } = await WalletSdk.setBiometricsPin(
console.log(`${result.resultType}, ${result.status}`);
} catch (e: any) {