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Transaction Limits and Optimizations

In this guide, you’ll learn about the transaction limits imposed by supported blockchains and programmable wallets (PW). You’ll also get client-side optimization tips to ensure smooth transaction processing within your applications.

Transaction Queue Limits

Blockchain Account Queue Limit

EVM-compatible blockchains typically use a Mempool system. The Mempool queues transactions sent from a wallet up to a certain limit defined by the full node. If you exceed this limit, you receive an error from the full node. All queued transactions in the Mempool can potentially be included in a single block. Therefore, you can estimate the theoretical transaction throughput as queueLimit / blockTime. However, various factors can influence whether your transaction gets included in a block, such as priority fees, network congestion, and network liveness. In contrast, the Solana blockchain does not use a Mempool system and, thus, does not have a queue limit. This contributes to its transaction throughput being significantly higher.

Account queue limit in different blockchains

BlockchainEOA walletSCA wallet
Ethereum32 transactions1 transaction
Polygon16 transactions1 transaction
Avax32 transactions1 transaction
Solana (no Mempool)UnlimitedCurrently not supported by PW

Programmable Wallet Transaction Queue Limit

The overall transaction throughput is fundamentally constrained by the blockchain account queue limit and the blockchain's inherent throughput. To mitigate the impact of these limitations, programmable wallets provide a queuing mechanism for transactions that exceed the blockchain limit for a certain duration. There is a limit on the number of transactions your wallet can queue in the programmable wallet service to prevent resource wastage and false expectations. This limit affects the user experience when too many transaction requests are made. When you reach this limit, you receive an error message:

More detailed error descriptions and suggestions can be found in the Transaction error codes section.

To check the number of pending transactions and their status, use the listTransaction API endpoint. The transaction state should be one of the following: INITIATED, PENDING_RISK_SCREENING, QUEUED, SENT.

Client-side Optimizations

While transaction queuing provides a convenient feature, fee fluctuations and network congestion can still impact transaction processing times. Below are some tips to ensure a smooth experience, especially when dealing with a high volume of transaction requests.

Higher Fees

Consider setting the fee_level parameter to at least MEDIUM or HIGH. This ensures that your transactions are processed with higher priority in a reasonable timeframe, reducing delays for subsequent transactions.

Managing Transactions

  1. Monitor Transaction Status: Use the list transactions API to query the status of your transactions.
  2. Cancellation and Acceleration: Use the cancellation and acceleration API to expedite transactions that have been pending for an extended period.
  3. Transaction Notifications: Implement transaction notifications to confirm the completion of transactions before sending more requests.

Multiple Sender Wallets

Using multiple sender wallets can help bypass the per-wallet queue limit and increase the level of parallel processing. This strategy is generally effective across various blockchains.

Batch Transactions with Smart Contracts

Leveraging smart contracts for batch transactions can significantly reduce the number of transactions needed for repetitive tasks. For instance, instead of sending 1,000,000 transfer transactions individually, you can deploy an airdrop contract that processes transfers to 500 wallets in a single execution call, requiring only 2,000 transactions in total. Although a single contract execution call may incur higher gas costs than a simple transfer, it is often more gas and time-efficient for batch transactions.

For more details, please refer to our Airdrop template on the smart contract platform .


By understanding the transaction queue limits and exploiting the above optimization tips, you can improve the transaction throughput of your applications, thereby increasing their overall efficiency when interacting with blockchain networks.

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